Sunday, March 2, 2014

A little job up north

Well, here I sit miles above the Arctic circle on a cold winter day.  I have just recently been assigned a new project that has gotten the attention of almost all the people I know.  Stephen Harper has allocated a sum of money to the North West Territories for an all season road from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk.  We will be building this road in the winter mostly and using frozen soil.  All very interesting stuff and rumour has it that the discovery channel would like to do a program devoted to it.

It took me 2 days to get here from Halifax.  Leaving at 7:00 am in the morning on 13 Feb (the day before Valentines day, believe me the irony was not lost on that little fact) I had to drop off my little dog at the vet for surgery on his bladder.  He has a propensity to developing this little items which cause him great discomfort, can be very dangerous and are  costly to remedy.  So leaving was a terrible case of bad timing.  I am 2 days away from returning on shift change so hopefully all will be forgiven.  Here is what greeted me the first morning on the way to the site.  Sunrise on a Pingo. Alittle more on those later.
And then on the way back to camp that night it was that same Pingo in a different light.  That is just one of the things that is very noticable here and that is the light. It is different and beautiful.

Good Night from the Arctic.

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